Koda Kumi - On And On

倖田來未 (Koda Kumi)/On And On (15周年紀念演唱會 The Artist)

倖田來未15周年紀念演唱會,看見屬於「Artist」的專業,最精彩的歌唱與舞蹈,淚水與笑容,都能在倖田來未的演出中享受! Buy 「The Artist」DVD:http:...

倖田來未 / 「On And On」 (for mobile) - short ver. -

Official Website - http://rhythmzone.net/koda/ Like! on facebook - http://www.facebook.com/KodaKumiOfficial Follow on Twitter ...

倖田來未 / On And On (Audio)

OFFICAL HP:http://rhythmzone.net/koda/ facebook:http://www.facebook.com/KodaKumiOfficial twitter:https://twitter.com/KODAKUMINET/ 倖田來未「WINTER of ...

倖田來未 / you (from 「KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary LIVE The Artist」)

LIVE DVD&Blu-ray 「KODA KUMI 15th Anniversary LIVE The Artist」 2016.3.23 on sale 2枚組DVD+スマプラ \5400 (tax out) RZBD-86070~1 Blu-ray+スマプラ ...

Koda Kumi / Live at 'Sound Inn "S"'

Koda Kumi performing "All of Me" (Billie Holiday Cover), "Swallowtail Butterfly ~Ai no Uta~" and "On And On" during the music television program "Sound Inn "S"" ...

Koda Kumi