Andrew Lloyd Webber - Why Have You Brought Me Here.../Raoul, I`ve Been There...

Why Have You Brought Me Here?/Raoul, I've Been There Twenty-first in a series of clips from the 2004 film version of The Phantom of the Opera. Performed by Patrick Wilson as ...

Why Have You Brought Me Here & Raoul, I've Been There.

I Do not Have Any Copyright,Belonging to Andrew Lloyd Webber Katie Hall as Christine Killian Donnelly as Raoul.

My Little Pony: Why Have You Brought Me Here? / Raoul, I've Been There (Phantom of the Opera)

So here is one of my favorite lesser known songs from Phantom of the Opera. I like this song mainly because I LOVE the reprise Christine sings of Music of the ...

Arts® Music Why Have You Brought Me Here⁄Raoul I've Been There - Andrew Lloyd Webber

Rex intima Memorable Treasures Corporation - Arts® Music Andrew Lloyd Webber Phantom of the Opera Categories: ...

Andrew Lloyd Webber