박아셀 - You Are

Early at dawn, birds are singing
But I can`t hear and I can`t sing
Fear of sunrise, tears are running
So I can`t see the light on your wings
Now I cry to you, my Lord
Please do not turna deaf ear to me
You are my Shepherd, I shall not be in want
You make me lie down in grassland
My Lord, my Light, my Jesus, my Savior
My Lord, my Jesus, please take my hand, oh,Lord
My Lord, my Jesus, please save my soul, oh, Lord
You are my Savior, from darkness way I walked
You lead me close by quite waters
You are my Starlight, you guide me in righteous way
You let me go on and praise your name
Early at dawn, birds are singing
But I can`t hear and I can`t sing
Fear of sunrise, tears are running
So I can`t see the light on your wings
Now I cry to you, my Lord
Please do not turna deaf ear to me
You are my Shepherd, I shall not be in want
You make me lie down in grassland
My Lord, my Light, my Jesus, my Savior
My Lord, my Jesus, please take my hand, oh,Lord
My Lord, my Jesus, please save my soul, oh, Lord
You are my Savior, from darkness way I walked
You lead me close by quite waters
You are my Starlight, you guide me in righteous way
You let me go on and praise your name
박아셀 - You Are

Artist : 박아셀 Fan Site : http://cafe.daum.net/parkasher [On Stage Session] http://music.naver.com/onStage/onStageReview.nhn?articleId=2508 Presented by ...

그때 우리는 행복했다 by 박아셀

그때 우리는 행복했다 그때, 그때 우리는 세상 누구보다 행복했다 눈이 부시게 빛나던 날들 그때, 그때 왜 나는 알지 못했나...

박아셀 - 길

Artist : 박아셀 Fan Site : http://cafe.daum.net/parkasher [On Stage Session] http://music.naver.com/onStage/onStageReview.nhn?articleId=2508 Presented by ...

박아셀 - 배 (Teaser)

박아셀 - 배 (Teaser) CJ E&M Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M의 음악사업 브랜드로 음원/음반의 투자/제작/유통부터 콘서트/페스티벌...
