Toki Asako - Let The Sunlight In

Toki Asako - Let The Sunlight in

"Let the sunlight in" is 2009 Album TOUCH of Toki Asako and Original Song by the less famous Swedish singer/songwriter J.C. Schütz.

土岐麻子 / SUPERSTAR 3rd ALBUM TOUCH 2009年1月14日発売 RZCD-46095 ¥2500(tax in.) 1.「SUPERSTAR」 Words:土岐麻子 Music:川口大輔 ...

2014.1.6 可可拿鐵-Let the sunlight in (2)

2013.1.6 中央熱音期末小成Toki Asako (Cover) EG/鄭家宇Bass/林正倫Drums/王世翔Vocal/歐恩盈KB/戴功軒.

土岐麻子 - (Waitin' For A)Happy Ending


Toki Asako