Tears For Fears - The Devil

The devil, take me now
Before I'm ushered out
'Cause you are like me
But I can bleed

And I can die
But I can't hide
From you

Prisoners of course
Taken by force
To smother my streams
Tonight in my dreams

'Cause I can die
But I can't hide
The way is clear
Away from here
And you
The devil, take me now
Before I'm ushered out
'Cause you are like me
But I can bleed

And I can die
But I can't hide
From you

Prisoners of course
Taken by force
To smother my streams
Tonight in my dreams

'Cause I can die
But I can't hide
The way is clear
Away from here
And you
Tears For Fears - The Devil

Canção do álbum Everybody Loves A Happy Ending da banda britânica Tears For Fears .

Tears for Fears - The Devil

una cancion de la cual me enamore desde la primera vez q la oi... gran album de reencuentro de tears for fears el el 2004, este es un tributo para ellos y su ...

The Devil

A Farscape music video about Crichton, Scorpius and wormholes. Edited to the Tears For Fears song "The Devil". This video won the award for Best Story Vid in ...

Tears for Fears - Live Mackey Auditorium, Boulder, CO, USA 2004 (Show Complete, Audio Only)

Este es un gran show, el primero que conseguí de la gira oficial "Happy Ending"!! Se realizó en el auditorio Macker en Boulder, en el estado de Colorado, ...

Tears For Fears