Leadbelly - Grey Goose

Leadbelly - Grey Goose

Huddie Leadbetter - "Grey Goose".

Leadbelly - The Grey Goose

Leadbelly performs "The Grey Goose" from 1948 - one of the rare pieces of film footage available of him singing.

'Grey Goose' LEADBELLY, Blues Legend

" Grey Goose " 1940 LEADBELLY The " RED HOT BLUES " (1925-1945) Texas Alexander Pink Anderson Kokomo Arnold Barbecue Bob Scrapper Blackwell ...

Nirvana- "Grey Goose"

Another rare song from the box set, Enjoy.

Lead Belly- The Grey Goose

Lead Belly- Lead Belly's Last Sesssions (September 27, 1948) Buy the album on which this track appears by going to www.document-records.com Document ...
