Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa

Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa

Leadbelly - Black Betty Buy the album on which this track appears by going to www.document-records.com Document Records has the largest catalogue of ...

Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa

Released in 1935 on M elotone 6-04-55.

Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa 78 RPM

Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa, on Tempo R 11. Recorded March 26, 1935. https://that78sshow.wordpress.com.

Leadbelly - Pig Meat Papa

Pig Meat Papa by Leadbelly from the album American Folk & Blues Anthology Released 2013-12-27 on Not Now Music In his lifetime Huddie Ledbetter spent a ...

Lead Belly sings Pig Meat Papa - 1936 Blues Melotone 78rpm Record

Here is Blues Legend Huddie Leadbetter, better known on records as Lead Belly, singing Pig Meat Papa and accompanying himself on the guitar, on this ...
