성시경 - Beauty And The Beast

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
then somebody bends
Unexpectedly Just
a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
ever a surprise
Ever as before
ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Ever just the same
ever a surprise
Ever as before
ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bitter sweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast

Sung Si Kyung & Jang Nara Beauty And The Beast 2003 07 06

No copyright infringement intended There is a reason why Sung Si Kyung is said to have one of the Most Beautiful Voices In the World, and I am sure this is one ...

성시경 Sung Si Kyung - (Audio) If I Can't Love Her

His take on The Beast's heart wrenching soliloquy (ok, solo) in The Beauty and The Beast MUSICAL....you won't find the song in the animation Credits : Song ...

성시경 Sung Si Kyung - When He Was King

OMG, I have to tweak this video to such extent to make it uploadable that it's not enjoyable anymore, apologies... If you want, I'll upload the original video+audio ...

Beauty and the Beast - Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson COVER

Celine Dion과 Peabo Bryson이 연주한 Disney의 Beauty and the Beast입니다. 오른쪽은 '올해의 아시아계미국인 젊은아티스트'로 선발된 Megan.H.Lee입니다. ...

(듀엣 축가) beauty and the beast @ W호텔 워커힐 웨딩 by Musical Wedding

www.musicw.co.kr Beauty and the Beast 노래 정말 잘부르는 두분입니다. 남자배우는 유승엽씨로 현재 뮤지컬 하이스쿨에서 열연중이십니다.
