Tomi Kita - Lollipop

little girl
I see you standing there
out on the street again
sucking on that lollipop
as the wind blows
through your beautiful hair
all alone waiting on a friend
mama's gone out on a date tonight
with her boyfriend
she met last night
left you frozen aplle pie
and some yogurt for desert
all alone again
waiting on a friend to come
so your out again
being a good girl
sucking on that lollipop again
so your out again
being a bad girl
as you place that
don't disturb sign
on the door of that motel room

It's a long way up
when your cruzing up
but it's full of speed
when your coming down
on this roller coaster ride
that your on your own
all alone again
waiting on a friend to come
so your out again
being a good girl
sucking on that lollipop again
so your out again
being a bad girl
as you place that
don't disturb sign
on the door of that motel room

mama tell we ain't life
beautiful tonight
you had such hard day
you forgot about your baby girl
so your out again
being a good girl
sucking on that lollipop again
so your out again
being a bad girl
as you place that
don't disturb sign
on the door of that motel room

토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 슬픈 눈빛

슬픈 눈빛을 보여 줬더니 쉽게 너는 가버렸구나 어두운 추억속으로 너를 던져버린거야 *얼마나 너를 사랑했는지 나도 이젠 알 수 없어 네가...

내 맘대로 Tomi Kita

날개달린 침대(1996.01) 수록곡.

정승현&토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 내가 숨쉬는 이유

정승현&토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 내가 숨쉬는 이유.

정승현&토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 절망의 끝

정승현&토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 절망의 끝.

토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 차가운 모습

토미키타(Tomi KiTa) 차가운 모습.

Tomi Kita