Kuraki Mai - Tonight, I Feel Close To You (Feat. Yan-Z)

Close my eyes and feel your mind
Time has passed
I walk like a shadow
Never knew
What I am going through
You touch my heart
and take my breath away
Whisper on the wind so softly
Let the bright stars fill
our dreams with love
Reach for your hand
you're holding my key
and you show me the way
Tonight I feel close to you
You open my door
and light the sky above
When I need a friend
you are there right by my side
I wish we could stay as one
I wish we could stay
forever as one
All the tears that haunt my past
You promised
It'll be better tomorrow
play that song
You and I listened to
And let it gently ease our pain
Tender rain drops from the blue sky
Flowers blooming, life is so divine
like sunlight on a stream
you're holding my key
You show the world to me
Tonight I feel close to you
You open my door
and light the sky above
When I need a friend
you are there right by my side
I wish we could stay as one
So much love
in this beautiful world
Search for the brightest star
in the sky
You will find the meaning of love
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid Just be yourself
Just be yourself
We need this love I've never knew

Tonight I feel close you
You open my door
and light the sky above
When I need a friend
you are there right by my side
I wish we could stay as one
Tonight I feel close to you
You open my door
and light the sky above
When I need a friend
you are there right by my side
I wish we could stay as one
I wish we could stay forever as one

(Without original music) 倉木麻衣x孙燕姿 Mai Kuraki Tonight, I feel close to you with Yan zi

I've replaced the music for this video to avoid copyright issue, so the song is currently "Rock Tonight" and it was sung by someone else who is "Aardvark vs.

[osu!] Kuraki Mai with Stefanie - Tonight, I Feel Close to You ([Hanter])

Played by: http://osu.ppy.sh/u/%5BHanter%5D Video created with osu!record: http://osurecord.weeaboo.com/ Beatmap: http://osu.ppy.sh/b/46118.

Tonight I feel close to you 在线播放 温存 2167.温存♡♥求歌神~ YY神曲 艺人唱歌、跳舞、演奏等才艺表演

View more MC live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf1bLwUqrq8 选择最炙手可热的偶像yy.com 显示在这里更YY的偶像: YY频道1: ...

Kuraki Mai