John Eliot Gardiner - Semele, HWV 58, Act 3: `My racking thoughts` (Semele)

Handel, Semele 'Thus let my thanks'. Jones, Burrowes

'Be wise, as you are beautiful' - a recitative by Juno. 'Conjure him by his oath' - accompaniment, Juno. 'Thus let my thanks'. - aria by Semele. 'Rich odours fill the ...

Handel / Saul, HWV 53 (Jacobs)

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Saul (oratorio in three acts), HWV 53 (1739) Libretto: Charles Jennens { Link: ...

III. Handel Endless pleasure, endless love - The Sixteen

III. Handel Endless pleasure, endless love - The Sixteen Conductor: Harry Christophers Concert: BCC Prom 2009 Info:

I ever am granting

Haendel's Semele.

John Eliot Gardiner