John Eliot Gardiner - 4 Coronation Anthems: I. `Zadok the Priest`, HWV. 258


Some of England's Classical Architects and Buildings with the Music of Handel's Coronation Anthem No. 1, Zadok the Priest which is performed by the ...

(HD) Handel: Zadok the Priest, HWV 258 | The English Concert

__ • Händel-Gedächtniskonzert __ • Ulrike Fulde: soprano • Albrecht Sack: tenor • Felix Plock: bass __ The English Concert Conducted by Howard Arman __.

Handel Coronation Anthem

George Frederick Handel Coronation Anthem No. 1 'Zadok the Priest' John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir & Orchestra.

Tenor Handel Zadok The Priest Score

Tenor Choir Part Practice: "Zadok The Priest" (HWV 258) was composed by George Frideric Handel in 1727. The text is from Kings 1:38--40 "Zadok the Priest, ...

handel, Dixit Dominus , Coronation Anthem No 1, John Eliot Gardiner

The music and the images were extracted from my lp.

John Eliot Gardiner