John Adams - John Adams : City Noir - II. The Song Is For You

City Noir: III. Boulevard Night - John Adams

Disclaimer: I own nothing. The audio content of this video is the property of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and Nonesuch Records. Based on film noir music ...

John Adams,City Noir.

Composed in 2009. "City Noir was first suggested by my reading the so-called "Dream" books by Kevin Starr, a brilliantly imagined, multi-volume cultural and ...

City Noir | Boulevard Night | John Adams

excerpt from the live performance of 'Boulevard Night' from John Adams' City Noir. conducted by Gustavo Dudamel with the LA Phil.

City Noir by John Adams

Gustavo Dudamel conducts the Los Angeles Philharmonic in "Boulevard Night" from John Adams' "City Noir"

John Adams: City Noir

John Adams dirigeert zijn nieuwe, driedelige symfonie City Noir - waarin de sfeer van het Californië van de jaren veertig en vijftig doorklinkt. Milhauds jazzy ...

John Adams