John Adams - Act I, Scene 3: `Mr. Premier, Distinguished Guests,`

Mr Premier, Distinguished Guests

President Nixon gives his toast. Nixon: Mr. Premier, distinguished guests, I have attended many feasts But never have I so enjoyed a dinner, Nor have I heard ...


Good cheer reigns at the banquet as the first act concludes. Nixon: Cheers! Kissinger: Cheers! New friends and present company! Nixon: To Chairman Mao!

Dirty Projectors - Little Bubble (Official Video)

Dirty Projectors - Little Bubble (Official Video) Stream Little Bubble: Download: Directors: David ...

Founders Come First

The discussion turns to China's future. Mao: Founders come first, then profiteers. Nixon: Capitalists? Mao: Fishers of men. An organised oblivion. Nixon: The ...

Your Flight Was Smooth, I Hope

The Chinese Premier welcomes the American President to his country. Chou En-Lai: Your flight was smooth, I hope? Nixon: Oh yes, smoother than usual, ...

John Adams