Blondie - Dreaming (Utah Saints Mix)

Dreaming. dreaming is free.
When i met you in the restaurant you could tell i was no debutante.
You asked me what's my pleasure, "a movie or a measure"?
I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
I'm free!
Dream dream!
I'm free!
Dream dream!
Dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I had a fade i dream i fade.
I dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I don't want to live on charity.
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity.
People stop and stare at me, we just walk on by; we just keep on dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
Feet feet: walking a two mile.
Meet meet: meet me at the turnstile.
I never met him, i'll never forget him.
Dream dream: even for a little while.
Dream dream: filling up an idle hour.
Fade away, radiate.
I sit by and watch the river flow.
I sit by and watch the traffic go.
Imagine something of your very own; something you can have and hold.
I'd build a road in gold just to have some dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
A movie, you and a movie, you and free dream dream and free dream dream and...
A movie, you and a movie, you and free free dream i free and dream i had a...
I never dreamed...
Dream dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I had a fade.
I dream i fade i dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
We just keep on dreaming.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
Just to have some dreaming.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
When i met you in the restaurant you could tell i was no debutante.
You asked me what's my pleasure, "a movie or a measure"?
I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
I'm free!
Dream dream!
I'm free!
Dream dream!
Dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I had a fade i dream i fade.
I dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I don't want to live on charity.
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity.
People stop and stare at me, we just walk on by; we just keep on dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
Feet feet: walking a two mile.
Meet meet: meet me at the turnstile.
I never met him, i'll never forget him.
Dream dream: even for a little while.
Dream dream: filling up an idle hour.
Fade away, radiate.
I sit by and watch the river flow.
I sit by and watch the traffic go.
Imagine something of your very own; something you can have and hold.
I'd build a road in gold just to have some dreaming.
Dreaming is free.
A movie, you and a movie, you and free dream dream and free dream dream and...
A movie, you and a movie, you and free free dream i free and dream i had a...
I never dreamed...
Dream dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
I had a fade.
I dream i fade i dream!
I dream dream!
I had a dream dream!
We just keep on dreaming.
Dreaming. dreaming is free.
Just to have some dreaming.

blondie remix from the 1990,s album beautiful . images from around the globe by richard turner.

Dreaming ~ Blondie - Utah Saints Mix

Dreaming ~ Blondie - Utah Saints Mix

Blondie/Deborah Harry Megamix 2013 by DJ Dark Kent(LONG version)

DL Link: Come to for mixes like this. No copyright infringement ...

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