Beyond - Zhan Sheng Xin Mo

Beyond Cover - Zhan Sheng Xin Mo

Our 3 man version ! We are not perfect ... so bear wif any crap!

Beyond - Zhan Shen Xin Mo 戰勝心魔 (cover)

Beyond - Zhan Shen Xin Mo (cover)

《中國好聲音》第三季 第三集入圍選手 - 陳樂基(Rocky)@Killersoap

香港樂隊Killersoap主音陳樂基(Rocky)激昂演唱《月半小夜曲》,成為首位於好聲音舞台演唱粵語歌曲的參賽者,贏得四位導師一致「轉身」。 全港免費...

zhang hong liang - nan yi zou me ni de xin

nan yi zou me ni de xin, zai wo sheng san si fook you guo gan qin ( lots of mtv but need to see how many comment going on and rating )
