Percy Faith - Little Bells And Big Bells

Percy Faith - Little Bells And Big Bells

Percy Faith - Little Bells And Big Bells.

Little Bells and Big Bells (Glocke und Glöckchen) - Percy Faith Orchestra - Passport To Romance

"Glocke und Glöckchen" is a light-hearted piece based on chime sequences, to represent Germany on this album. Straight from the 1956 vinyl.

Percy Faith - Little Bells And Big Bells

PERCY FAITH - Little Bells And Big Bells 鐘の歌

1967 Album「A WALTZ FOR CYNTHIA」 ※1967年のアルバム「シンシアのワルツ/旅情のムード」 ※PERCY FAITH and HIS ORCHSTRA ※パーシー・フェイス管弦楽団.

Percy Faith