WWRY Ensemble - Ogre Battle

WWRY - Live NL Cast 2010 - 14. Ogre Battle

Live audio from the second preview on 22.08.10 of the Dutch "We Will Rock You" production. Cast: John Vooijs - Galileo Marjolein Teepen - Scaramouche Pia ...

WWRY - Live NL Cast 2010 - 15. One Vision (Ensemble)

Live audio from the second preview on 22.08.10 of the Dutch "We Will Rock You" production. Cast: John Vooijs - Galileo Marjolein Teepen - Scaramouche Pia ...

We Will Rock You - Musical Production 2013 - Schools Will Rock You

In December 2013, The Roseland Community College staged their bi-annual musical production. This year, the college decided to take on Queen's mighty ...

WWRY Ensemble