Ahmad Jamal - A Gal In Calico

Ahmad Jamal Trio - A Gal In Calico

Ahmad Jamal Trio - A Gal In Calico.

A Gal In Calico

A Gal in Calico (Original song by American composer Arthur Schwartz introduced in the 1946 film The Time, the Place and the Girl. The words were written by ...

A Gal In Calico / Jerry Jansen

From the good old days came A Gal In Calico. Recorded by Bing Crosby, Manhhatan Transfer, Johnny Mercer, Miles Davis, Tex Beneke, Ahmad Jamal, Oscar ...

Ed Hardy - Gal In Calico

A Gal in Calico- Ed Hardy (Original song by American composer Arthur Schwartz introduced in the 1946 film The Time, the Place and the Girl. The words were ...

Ahmad Jamal