Sting - Forlorn Hope Fancy

SALINE D'ARC ET SENANS (musique : Sting/Karamazov - Dowland Forlorn Hope Fancy)

11 petits jardins très agréables ont été installés autour de la saline, dans le cadre du festival d'été.

Edin Karamazov (Lute) - John Dowland Forlorn Hope Fancy

Edin Karamazov Lute John Dowland Forlorn Hope Fancy.

Dowland: Forlorn Hope Fancy - Matthew Wadsworth

Masters of the Lute - Matthew Wadsworth Channel Classic 2005.

Albert Lau plays John Dowland: Forlorn Hope Fancy

Piece for lute, played on piano. The Musicians (c.1595) by Caravaggio, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

John Dowland -- Forlorn Hope Fancy

Duane Large plays the Forlorn Hope Fancy in concert with the Rutgers Collegium Musicum.
