Jimmy Dorsey - Big Butter and Egg Man

Al Hirt -- I Want a Big Butter and Egg Man

Al Hirt (7 de noviembre de 1922 -- 27 de abril de 1999) fue un trompetista y líder de banda de nacionalidad estadounidense.1 Es recordado por sus millonarias ...

Jimmy Dorsey ‎- Can Anyone Explain

https://www.discogs.com/Jimmy-Dorsey-Can-Anyone-Explain/release/5982291 Diz Does Everything See Saw I Can't Get Started Mc Gee's Closet Grand Central ...

Big Butter and Egg Man on Tenor Sax

Percy Venable wrote this song for Louis Armstrong and the Sunset Cafe singer May Alix in 1926. Listen to Louis' fabulous recording. A big butter and egg man ...

"Big Butter And Egg Man" (Hot 5's) Eddy Davis Tenor Banjo

"The Manhattan Minstrel" Eddy Davis playing and singing one of the great Louis Armstrong "Hot Five" tunes written by "Miss Lil Harden" (Armstrong). Davis plays ...

Louis Armstrong Jazz Festival in Augustow, Poland. Royal Garden Blues - Dixieland Crackerjacks

The fifth annual Jazz Festival in Augustow, Poland. This festival is in honour of the most famous and probably most influental jazz musician of all times: the great ...

Jimmy Dorsey