John Williams - Villa-Lobos : Prelude No.4 In E Minor

John Williams : Hector Villa-Lobos - Prelude no.4

John Williams : Hector Villa-Lobos - Prelude no.4.

Prelude No. 4 in E minor by Heitor Villa-Lobos

The piece was composed by Heitor Villa-Lobos, perhaps the most important Brazilian composer. This recording was made not long after I started playing ...

John Williams - Villa-Lobos: Prelude No. 1 in E Minor

Recollections - Featuring: Rodrigo Guitar Concerto Adagio and other favourite Guitar Pieces (1974)

Heitor Villa-Lobos, Guitar Prelude No. 4 in E minor, Heade

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887- 1959), Prelude No. 4 in E minor, Julian Bream. Works by Martin Johnson Heade (1819- 1904)

John Williams