Hans Zimmer - The Swing

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Endless Swing page music - Hans Zimmer?

This track is played on the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Endless Swing webpage - could this be another track from the new score from Hans Zimmer? Sure has that ...

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Hans Zimmer Soundtrack

I found this soundtrack and extracted it from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Endless Swing Game site. Isn't it amazing? Of course it is! Hans Zimmer and the super ...

Madagascar - Best Friends (Piano Cover; comp. by Hans Zimmer)

Hey, you're in a bad mood? - then listen to this song and you'll be happy after it! Nice swing song for an entertaining funny movie. I played it a bit more staccato ...

"Pirati dei Caraibi" di Hans Zimmer

Primo dei due brani fuori programma (BIS) del Concerto "SERATA SWING", tenuto il 27 luglio 2016 dall'Orchestra ritmo-sinfonica "Edoardo Chiti" di Prato nella ...

Hans Zimmer