Eleanor McEvoy - Hands Off Him

Eleanor McEvoy - Hands Off Him

From The album "Love Must Be Tough" (2008)

I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU

Cecilia McGough puts a face to schizophrenia and helps empower college students through the upcoming non-profit Students With Schizophrenia. Students With Schizophrenia: http://sites.psu.edu/stude...

Two old dudes perform Liverpool busking backup bonanza!

Jake Drums (@jakedrums) performing in Liverpool City Centre on 25th May 2015. Two unexpected backup acts join him to create a spectacle. Air drums and silky dancing!

Dear Diary (both parts) by MikelWJ LYRICS (Anorexia song)

"Dear Diary" by MikelWJ Dear Diary Today was a long day in school and I haven't really eaten anything yet today But I guess that's good I just wanted to write something real quick before...

Black Roses Red; A Jemi Story (Chapter 4, Part 1)

She was about to press accept button on the phone when I called her "Sophie, you're snack is ready" I called from the kitchen as I placed the last cookies on her plate. She put my phone back...

Eleanor McEvoy