James Taylor - Song For You Far Away

people around
me are at it again
god only knows how they do it
one to another then back again
something keeps putting them through it
me i've been watching more than fifteen years
and it hasn't changed a bit
people keep talking 'bout a different line
people around
me are at it again
god only knows how they do it
one to another then back again
something keeps putting them through it
me i've been watching more than fifteen years
and it hasn't changed a bit
people keep talking 'bout a different line
James Taylor - Song for You Far Away

Studio version from the album, "That's Why I'm Here" (1985).

James Taylor - A Song For You Far Away

Os sonhos podem transformar a distância e apenas mais um detalhe .... mas serão sempre sonhos... James Taylor - A Song For Your Far Away People around ...

James Taylor - Song for You Far Away

For MeiMei A video about missing a friend... This is a Song for You - By James Taylor Lyrics People around Me are at it again God only knows how they do it ...

James Taylor