Laura Benanti - Poor Joe

Laura Benanti's Melania Trump impression is eerily accurate

Melania Trump Parody by Laura Benati.

A Message From Melania Trump

Subscribe now: See more 2016 Campaign: Donald Trump's wife Melania, ...

The Late Show's Grisly Tambourine Death Toll

Sure, The Late Show audience loves it when jazz cowboy Joe Saylor smashes one of his signature tambourines, but at what cost? "Subscribe To ""The Late ...

Amy Jo Jackson with Brynn O'Malley - "Witch Medley" (Broadway Villains Party)

Amy Jo Jackson sings a medley of Witch songs, with a special guest appearance by Brynn O'Malley. Witch Medley: "Come, Little Children" - HOCUS POCUS ...

✅ First Lady Melania Trump Reads Dr. Suess to Children for World Book Day March 2, 2017 #DNN

""I came to encourage you to read - and to think about what you want to achieve in life," , she told the Children at New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan ...

Laura Benanti