Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Frye: Ave Regina Celorum

Walter Frye, Missa Nobilis et pulchra -- Sanctus

The Sanctus of Walter Frye's beautiful 'Nobilis et pulchra' mass, written in honour of St Katherine of Alexandria. (St Katherine was one of the dedicatory patron ...

Gaspar van Weerbeke (c.1445-c.1516): Ave Regina Celorum

Gaspar van Weerbeke (c.1445-c.1516) Motet "Ave Regina Celorum" Cut Circle Jesse Rodin, direction Album "De Orto/Josquin: Musique à la Chapelle Sixtine ...

Alas Alas is My Chief Song by Walter Frye

Alas Alas is My Chief Song by Walter Frye (d. 1474?) from the album The Whyte Rose performed by the Ferrara Ensemble.

Walter Frye, Trinitatis dies (Schedel Liederbuch)

Walter Frye's motet Trinitatis dies. Performed at St Mary's Guildhall, Coventry by The Binchois Consort under Andrew Kirkman. Performing edition by Philip ...

Ensemble Gilles Binchois