Jimmy Witherspoon - Money`s Gettin` Cheaper

Jimmy Witherspoon - Money's Getting Cheaper

A great tune but not so sure about money getting cheaper!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy Witherspoon - Times Getting Tougher Than Tough

This version not uploaded as far as I can see. You mostly hear the -64 mod organ-fuelled version on Stateside: (check it out ...

Gordon Thorne - "Money's Getting Cheaper"

Gordon Thorne performs Jimmy Witherspoon's "Money's Getting Cheaper" at WTIP's 2011 Deeply Rooted Membership Drive.

Mod Jazz Vol.1: 60's Discotheque Dancers for the Cool School

Track Listings 1. Soul Shoutin' - Shirley Scott 2. Collard Greens - Freddie McCoy 3. Tengo Tango - Cannonball Adderley Sextet 4. Why Don't You Do Right?

Jimmy Witherspoon