Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says

No-one promised this when I was a kid
When my days were filled with carousels
Fairground rides and cockleshells
Kicking pebbles on a beach
When time couldn't reach me
And tears were just a memory left to be learned

Now days catch me without an overcoat
Five o'clock shoes full of snow
All rained out, nowhere to go

Memories are sure to find you
No matter how fast you run
Gonna catch up with you

Charlie Brown says
Oh this winter sure sure gets me down
When there ain't no friends around

No-one promised this when I was a kid
When my days were filled with carousels
Fairground rides and cockleshells
Kicking pebbles on a beach
When time couldn't reach me
And tears were just a memory left to be learned

Now days catch me without an overcoat
Five o'clock shoes full of snow
All rained out, nowhere to go

Memories are sure to find you
No matter how fast you run
Gonna catch up with you

Charlie Brown says
Oh this winter sure sure gets me down
When there ain't no friends around
Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says Lyrics

[Lyrics Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says] Charlie brown says No-one promised this when i was a kid When my days were filled with carousels ...

Foxy's Folk Faced, Ocean Colour Scene

One of my favourite Ocean Colour Scene songs of all time!

Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says Lyrics

[Lyrics Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says] Charlie brown says No-one promised this when i was a kid When my days were filled with carousels ...

Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says Lyrics

[Lyrics Ocean Colour Scene - Charlie Brown Says] Charlie brown says No-one promised this when i was a kid When my days were filled with carousels ...

Ocean Colour Scene