Bob Rivers - Wrong Foot Amputated

Wrong foot amputated
Wrong foot amputated
He got the wrong foot amputated

The doctor had compassion he tried to cure my disease
I was sweating on the way to the op room gave me sedatives to put me at ease

They put me on a gurney in a hospital gown
They gave me anesthetic and they set my legs down
Wrong foot amputated
Wrong foot amputated
He got the wrong foot amputated

The doctor had compassion he tried to cure my disease
I was sweating on the way to the op room gave me sedatives to put me at ease

They put me on a gurney in a hospital gown
They gave me anesthetic and they set my legs down
Bob Rivers Wrong foot amputated

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Weird Al Yankovic - He Got The Wrong Foot Amputated

The doctor had compassion He tried to cure my disease I was sweatin' on the way to the op room Getting sedatives to put me at ease They put me on a gurney in ...

Bob Rivers