Donna Summer - If You Got It Flaunt It

Donna Summer If You Got It, Flaunt It

Taken from the album "Once Upon a Time" 1977. All the rights are owned by Casablanca Records.

Donna Summer - If You've Got It, Flaunt It (Funky Attitude Mix)

uploaded in HD at

Donna Summer - "If You Got It Flaunt It" - 1977. From "Once Upon A Time" album.

Just wanted to add some smiles to this song which I feel was written tongue-in-cheek after Donna was thrust into the spotlight as a disco diva and sex symbol.

If You Got It Flaunt It Donna Summer.wmv

Donna Summer's "If You Got It Flaunt It" from the 1978 album "Once Upon A Time".

Donna Summer - If you got it flaunt it (1977)

Donna Summer - If you got it flaunt it (1977)

Donna Summer