St Mary Redcliffe Guild Of Ringers - Erin Caters

Liverpool (Pier Head): Stedman Cinques

Liverpool (Pier Head) Bells. Stedman Cinques being rung on practice night 20 May 2011.

Bristol max at Exeter cathedral

Ringing Bristol maximus at the Exeter cathedral monthly practice.

Stedman Cinques from Southwark Cathedral

Sunday morning ringing on the grand old twelve of Southwark Cathedral by The Southwark Cathedral Society of Bellringers, established 100 years ago.

Plain Bob Triples at St Edmund's Southwold 8 bells 10-3-11 cwt

A lovely light 8 on the sunny Suffolk Coast ringing plain bob triples Suffolk Guild Southwold, Suffolk St Edmund King & Martyr ...

St Mary Redcliffe Guild Of Ringers