Anne Shelton, Ambrose & His Orchestra - Yes My Darling Daughter

Dinah Shore - "Yes, My Darling Daughter"

Dinah Shore singing "Yes, my darling daughter."

Anne Shelton - Lili Marlene

Lili Marlene by Anne Shelton from the album 120 Essential Hits of the 1940s Released 2013-12-20 on AudioSonic Music Download on iTunes: ...

Anne Shelton - Kiss The Boys Goodbye

Anne Shelton - Kiss The Boys Goodbye From the album The Blitz Years - Songs of Hope and Glory Available on iTunes at

issenola koffer

ambrose and his orchestra (decca f 5375) hors dóevres, op een issenola koffergrammoffon bij de zwarte schijf in tiel.

Anne Shelton, Ambrose & His Orchestra