Brad Paisley - Spaghetti Western Swing (Featuring Redd Volkaert)

Spaghetti Western Swing

Just something I felt like doing on a lark. If it seems to you that I had no idea what I was doing during the instrumentals, you're right. If it seems to you I had no ...

Spaghetti Western Swing

A request AMV... Don't know if Chloe'll like it much.. With only one episode to use, it's hard to make a good AMV D: But, you know. Beggars can't be choosers, ...

Telewacker (Studio) - Redd Volkaert - Telewacker Album

Here's the title track from Redd's album Telewacker. I was looking for a few full length samples before I bought it so I figured I'd offer it here. Whether you're a ...

Brad Paisley