Bill Evans - Jade Visions

Bill Evans Trio - Jade Visions (Take1)

Album: Sunday at the Village Vanguard (1961) Bill Evans: piano Scott LaFaro: bass Paul Motian: drums Composition: Scott LaFaro.

Bill Evans Trio - Jade visions ( take 2 )

Bill evans trio - Sunday at the Village Vangaurd. - Jade visions ( take 2 )

Bill Evans - Jade Visions (take 2)

Jade Visions (take2), Sunday at the Village Vanguard (1961)

Bill Evans Trio at the Village Vanguard - Jade Visions

Bill Evans Trio at the Village Vanguard - Jade Visions (1961) Personnel: Bill Evans (piano), Scott LaFaro (bass), Paul Motian (drums) from the album 'SUNDAY ...

Bill Evans - Jade Visions (Take 2)

Jade Visions (Take 2) by Bill Evans from the album Sunday at the Village Vanguard Released 2014-06-06 on Not Now Music Anyone listening to contemporary ...

Bill Evans