Dice - When Darkness Comes

Darkness Comes Rattling Overview and Review

Jamie from The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast gives an overview of the gameplay and a detailed review of Darkness Comes Rattling designed by Kevin Wilson and published by the Wyrd Games For more...

Darkness Comes Rattling review - Board Game Brawl

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Miami Dice, Episode 131 - Attack the Darkness

Tom Vasel and Sam Healey take a look at this dungeon crawl game Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com.


theMCGuiRE review takes a look at Darkness Comes Rattling from Wyrd minatures. Just a great coop game with an excellent end game mechanic that is nail bitting every time. Feel free to solo...

Ignacio Sánchez - When The Darkness Comes

como dice el titulo la cancion se llama "when the darkness comes"
