Paul Reeves - Travel

5 Photos of Immortal Time Traveling Celebrities!

5 Photos of Immortal Time Traveling Celebrities! Transcript: What's the number one rule of time travel? Thats easy! Don't ever let anyone take your picture!

Keanu Reeves is immortal

It has recently been discovered that Keanu Reeves has been alive a lot longer than thought. Once again fact is stranger than fiction.

17 Celebrity Photos That Prove Time Travel Is Really Possible

17 Celebrity Photos That Prove Time Travel Is Really Possible PLEASE SHARE & LIKE. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! Click Here 1.

5 Celebrity Photos That Prove Time Travel Is Possible

Coincidence or not, this is the list for 5 Celebrity Photos that make it seem as if time travel is possible. Number 5. Jay Z. Sean Carter, also known as, Jay Z is a ...

AUT names newest building after the late Sir Paul Reeves

The newest building at Auckland University of Technology is dedicated to a former chancellor of the university, Sir Paul Reeves. Raiha Johns went to see the ...

Paul Reeves