William Burroughs - Did I Ever Tell You About The Man Who Taught His Asshole To Talk?

William S Burroughs- 09 Did I Ever Tell You About The Man That Taught His Asshole To Talk

Spare Ass Annie And Other Tales William S Burroughs & Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy Island Records/1993.

The Man Who Taught His Ass to Talk

My first attempt at animation. A short claymation video by Amia Yokoyama, based on the following monologue from the book Naked Lunch, written by William S ...

Frank Zappa - The Talking Asshole

Frank Zappa reads the chapter about the talking asshole from William S Borroughs book Naked Lunch.

Naked Lunch The Man that Taught his Asshole to Talk

Noticed that all the movie clips with this scene were gone, and the only reading was by Frank Zappa, a fine person in his own right, but I'm not a huge fan of his ...

William Burroughs