루나 일렉트릭스 - Seoul Metro

Seoul Metro
Seoul Metro
열차 빨리 가
I used to worry about
getting around Seoul
But then I found my
favor in the Metro
Seoul Metro
사람 많아요
Seoul Metro
똑바로 가세요
I never thought I'd make it to
But the Metro gets me
there by noon
Seoul Metro
친구랑 같이
Seoul Metro
가고싶어 다시
Strangers become friendly on the
subway line
Translations provided
on every sign
Seoul Metro, 갑시다
Seoul Metro, 탑시다
Seoul Metro, 갑시다
Seoul Metro, 탑시다
Seoul Metro
Seoul Metro
Seoul Metro
yeolcha ppalri ga
I used to worry about
getting around Seoul
But then I found my
favor in the Metro
Seoul Metro
saram manayo
Seoul Metro
ttokbaro gaseyo
I never thought I'd make it to
But the Metro gets me
there by noon
Seoul Metro
chingurang gati
Seoul Metro
gagosipeo dasi
Strangers become friendly on the
subway line
Translations provided
on every sign
Seoul Metro, gapsida
Seoul Metro, tapsida
Seoul Metro, gapsida
Seoul Metro, tapsida
Seoul Metro
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루나 일렉트릭스