The Smiths - Death At One`s Elbow (2011 Remastered Version)

Death At One's Elbow - The Smiths

Death At One's Elbow The Smiths.

Smiths - Death At One's Elbow Lyrics

Smiths - Death At One's Elbow Lyrics.

Mike Dragon - The Smiths - The Death of a Disco Dancer- How-To-Play, w/ Tabs

A, Gmaj, F#m, Fmaj that's that! You can listen to my original one-man-band Studio-Track tunes all you want, for free. =) I've got 3 albums up now, so ENJOY!

Mike Dragon - The Smiths - Vicar in a Tutu - How-To-Play, w/ Tabs

"lava would be a quick death." =) i don't know why i said that but it's probably funnier like that! the whole song: E, C#m, A, B (i just do a power chord) for the outro ...

The Smiths