Descendents - I Quit

Sick all the time, I miss my wife - I quit
Got better things to do with my life - I quit
I quit - I quit

Go ahead and say it, tell me I'm getting old
Tell me I'm a sellout, but it's you that's being sold
See, I refuse to think of rock and roll as my career
Tell me all my opportunities, ask me if I care

The rock star lifestyle ain't for me - I quit
Got somewhere else I'd rather be, so I quit
I quit - I quit

Go ahead and say it, call me a fuckin' wimp
Just 'cause I've got a different kind of life that I wanna live
You can criticize my ideals and my priorities
But ultimately I don't give a flying fuck what you think of me

I don't believe in that macho shit - I quit
I know there's no way you can understand it - I quit
Sick all the time, I miss my wife - I quit
Got better things to do with my life - I quit
I quit - I quit

What'd ya think, I wanted to be Mick Jagger or something,
Playing the pixie at 50 or 60?
Gimme a break!
I mean,I don't wanna grow up and all that, but
The time has come for me to say창?짝
I quit
Sick all the time, I miss my wife - I quit
Got better things to do with my life - I quit
I quit - I quit

Go ahead and say it, tell me I'm getting old
Tell me I'm a sellout, but it's you that's being sold
See, I refuse to think of rock and roll as my career
Tell me all my opportunities, ask me if I care

The rock star lifestyle ain't for me - I quit
Got somewhere else I'd rather be, so I quit
I quit - I quit

Go ahead and say it, call me a fuckin' wimp
Just 'cause I've got a different kind of life that I wanna live
You can criticize my ideals and my priorities
But ultimately I don't give a flying fuck what you think of me

I don't believe in that macho shit - I quit
I know there's no way you can understand it - I quit
Sick all the time, I miss my wife - I quit
Got better things to do with my life - I quit
I quit - I quit

What'd ya think, I wanted to be Mick Jagger or something,
Playing the pixie at 50 or 60?
Gimme a break!
I mean,I don't wanna grow up and all that, but
The time has come for me to saychang?jjak
I quit
Descendents - I Quit

From their 'Merican ep on Fat Wreck Chords. Released February 10, 2004.

Descendents - I Quit

I don't know how limited it is, but it's got a cool cover and its a collection of demos and out-takes. Great artwork.

Descendents - I Quit (Traducida al Español)

Letra traducida del tema ''I Quit'' de la banda de Punk-Rock Descendets, probablemente la letra mas Punk que ha escrito Milo Aukerman. Disfruten! Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Descendents.

Descendents - Business A.U.

Fourth track of the EP "SpazzHazard" released in 2016. Lyrics: Drank the Kool-Aid but it don't taste good I'm doin' the things you said I should I know my job is to be in control But...

I QUIT by the Descendents Bass-along

Fun and Fast. Had my amp up way to loud.
