Santana - Flor D`luna (Moonflower)

Santana - Flor D'Luna (Moonflower)

Flor d'Luna (Moonflower) by Santana (Track 2, Disc 2, from "Moonflower" - 1977)

Santana - Flor De Luna (Moonflower) [Audio HQ]

"Flor De Luna" is a fantastic amazing instrumental song from the Album "Moonflower" (1977) by Santana. For me is the best song of this album and every note, ...

Santana - Flor D'Luna (Moonflower)

Flor D'Luna (Moonflower). Track 4 Disc 2. Santana, The Ultimate Collection.

Santana - Flor D'Luna (Moonflower) cover

I tried again. Aria RS-750D.
