Todd McHatton - Fun & Adventure

I Think I'm A Bunny

I Think I'm A Bunny from Todd McHatton / Galactic Champions of Joy Handmade in our own super solar powered home studio! For more fun and adventure visit ...

Green Eleven from Todd McHatton / Sundays at the Rocket Park

The first animated video from Todd McHatton / Sundays at the Rocket Park. For more fun & adventure visit!

For Halloween This Year - by You and Me and the Rain

Kindie music singer songwriters Lori Henriques and Todd McHatton come together as You and Me and the Rain. The first release is a special holiday Halloween ...

Todd and Cookie's Catapult of Destiny: Episode 1 - "A World of Rock"

Kindie Rock Superstars Todd McHatton and Mista Cookie Jar have joined forces to create The Great Adventures of Todd & Cookie; a mystical, magical, rock and ...

Official Teaser - Todd and Cookie's Catapult of Destiny

Kindie Rock Superstars Todd McHatton and Mista Cookie Jar have joined forces to create The Great Adventures of Todd & Cookie; a mystical, magical, rock and ...

Todd McHatton