The Smooth Ballroom Band - El Condor Pasa


Souvenirs,souvenirs ♫ by "The smooth ballroom band"_from the album "Dancing with...Soft sax" (2003 y) Label: Road Classics. Composer: Demis Rousos--The ...

Azucar Jam Live Latin Rock Band for private events.

Azucar Jam performing last September 13, 2014 at "Dia del Amor y Amistad Colombian Celebration. Live Band and Entertainment for private events, parties, ...


White Light Band Demo. Performance was at the 70's reunion, 2009. Honolulu, HI. Featuring Joy Waikoloa on vocals. White Light is available for hire for events.

Tina Petroni and Ian Cooper - Lambada

The Singing Violin Show featuring Tina Petroni, Ian Cooper and the Singing Violin Ballroom Dancers.

The Smooth Ballroom Band