Earl Hines - Memories of You (Remastered) (Live)

Bill Evans in the Jazz Workshop, Berlin (1965 Live Video)

Part of the tape, In The Jazz Workshop 1965. The Berlin Jazz Piano Workshop is a perfect example of how much Europeans appreciate jazz more than American ...

Louis Armstrong - Memories of You

I couldn't believe this version wasn't on youtube, so here it is. For listening purposes only.

Earl Hines & Jimmy Rushing - Exactly like you

Another Song from Earl Hines & Jimmy Rushing I hope you like and Enjoy it~

Memories of you Rick Bogart Quartet WKYC TV 3

Jazzed in Cleveland - a jazz history by Joe Mosbrook - a special WMV Web News Cleveland series - Part 93 - The Theatrical Grill - Story filed January 13, 2005 ...

Louis Armstrong - Memories of You

Louis Armstrong - Memories of You.

Earl Hines