Kristin Hersh - Measure

ONE ON ONE: Kristin Hersh March 7th, 2015 City Winery New York Full Session

Kristin Hersh sits down for a One On One Session at City Winery New York on March 7th, 2015. For more info visit: ...

Book Trailer - Don't Suck, Don't Die: Giving Up Vic Chesnutt by Kristin Hersh

"Don't Suck, Don't Die: Giving Up Vic Chesnutt" by Kristin Hersh A haunting ode to a lost friend, this memoir by the acclaimed author of "Rat Girl" offers the most ...

IceHouse - Angel Street

Another underrated band from the 80s ,this song comes from the Icehouse album "Measure for Measure" (1986). She draws the curtain wide and brushes back ...

Immigration bill fails crucial vote and is withdrawn

Hello on this Friday, the 8 of the June 2007. I'm Kristin Volk with a UPI headline update. A comprehensive immigration reform bill has been withdrawn from the ...

Kristin Hersh