Wardell Gray Quartet - The Man I Love

Wardell Gray Quartet - The Man I Love

Wardell Gray (ts), Dodo Marmarosa (p), Red Callender (b), Harold "Doc" West (ds) Album:"Wardell Gray / Una Anthologie " Recorded:Los Angeles, November ...

Wardell Gray - The man I love

Wardell Gray - The man I love.

Wardell Gray Quartet - The Toup

Wardell Gray Quartet - The Toup.

Wardell Gray Sextet - Lover Man

Wardell Gray Sextet - Lover Man.

The Bill Evans Quartet - The Man I Love

Bill Evans -- Piano, Bob Brookmeyer -- Piano, Percy Heath -- Bass, Connie Kay -- Drums, DISCLAIMER: All music, lyrics, videos and photos, remain copyright of ...

Wardell Gray Quartet