포그보우 - Fogbow

Stunning "Fog Bow" Phenomena Captured Over Scotland!

Incredible images have emerged online from 2016 of a stunning and rare phenomena called a "Fog Bow" which was captured over Rannoch Moor in Scotland, ...

Photographer captures ghostly 'fogbow' in North Arctic

Have you ever seen one of these before?

Landscape photography in freezing fog - FOGBOW!

What could be better than landscape photography in freezing fog? Join me on the banks of Windermere in the lake district as I capture a selection of stunning ...

Rare Phenomenon Ghostly Fogbow, a Colorless Rainbow, Spotted in Missouri

A transparent rainbow arching across the sky was captured by a photographer who luckily caught a glimpse of the phenomenon while driving in Missouri on ...

Fogbow - Fog Rainbow

I was coming home from a photo excursion and noticed some odd weather moving in. I stopped to setup my camera and saw this faint rainbow in the fog.
