Peter Kater - Dakota Justice

For Annie Mae Pictou Aquash

Whose Spirit Is Present Here and in the Dappled Stars.

The Chiefs' Prophecy Preview Movie Trailer

View entire movie/order DVD Written and Directed by Leo Killsback Dusty Nose Productions Important people are Erect Horns, ...

Tink Tinker - How the West Was Lost: An Indian Take on the American Romance of the West

Tink Tinker, Clifford Baldridge Professor of American Indian Cultures and Religious Traditions at the Iliff School of Theology, addressed the notion of American ...

Dull Knife Battle - November 25, 1876

More infos: - History - Battles - Battle of Bates Creek 1876 Coordinates: 43.75856,-106.95175 (Wyoming)

Peter Kater