Herman Melville - Moby Dick

MOBY DICK - FULL AudioBook PART 1 of 3 - by Herman Melville - (Moby-Dick or the Whale)

MOBY DICK - FULL AudioBook PART 1 of 3 - by Herman Melville - (Moby-Dick or the Whale) - SUBSCRIBE to Greatest Audio Books: ...

Book Summary of "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville

Are you a leader or a follower? The herder, or the herded? Unfortunately for Ishmael and crew, they let themselves be Ahab's flock in this story. And learned why ...

Herman Melville's Moby Dick (1956)

Epic adaptation of Herman Melville's classic about a vengeful sea captain out to catch the whale that maimed him.

Learn English Through Story ● MOBY DICK -- Herman Melville -- Intermediate Level ✔

MOBY DICK By Herman Melville Level: intermediate American sailor Ishmael goes on a voyage on a whaling ship “Pequod”, whose captain, Ahab, obsessed ...

Moby Dick, Existentialism, Heroic Nihilism, Polytheism - Herman Melville (Hubert Dreyfus lecture)

"Whatever my fate, I'll go to it laughing." — Herman Melville "Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent ...

Herman Melville